horas em inglês - 8 horas da manhã em inglês

Já são 8 horas da manhã! O sol está cada vez mais brilhante no céu. E eu aposto que você está cada vez mais motivado para aprender como falar as horas em inglês. Acertei? Aposto que sim.

Bom… se assim for, então vamos continuar os nossos estudos e aprender dessa vez todas as horas em inglês por extenso das 8:00 às 08:59. São 60 minutos aonde aprenderemos formas diferentes de escrever as horas em inglês. Então por isso, recomendamos que você use o Anki para te auxiliar no seu aprendizado mais rápido. Essa ferramenta é baseada no processo SRS (Spaced Repetition System) que em português é Sistema de Repetição Espaçada, aonde usa flashcard para se memorizar quase que qualquer coisa. Saiba mais o que é o Anki e como baixar e configurar essa ferramenta.

4 Passos Simples para Passar em uma Entrevista de Emprego em Inglês:

Horas em Inglês – o’clock (em ponto)

É óbvio que vamos começar nosso estudo das horas em inglês pelas 8 horas em ponto. E já falando desse horário exato, é bom sempre relembrar que os nativos da língua inglesa costumam muito, principalmente na escrita, usar a expressão “o’clock” para designar que a determinada hora é exata (em ponto).

Vamos ver na tabela abaixo como fica essa expressão “o’clock”, e vamos ver também como falar as horas em inglês das 08:00 às 08:14.

Eight o’clock Eight o’clock in the morning
Eight a.m. Eight
One minute past eight One minute past eight a.m.
One past eight One past eight a.m.
Fifty-nine minutes to nine Fifty-nine minutes to nine a.m.
Eight one Eight one a.m.
Two minutes past eight Two minutes past eight a.m.
Two past eight Two past eight a.m.
Fifty-eight minutes to nine Fifty-eight minutes to nine a.m.
Eight two Eight two a.m.
Three minutes past eight Three minutes past eight a.m.
Three past eight Three past eight a.m.
Fifty-seven minutes to nine Fifty-seven minutes to nine a.m.
Eight three Eight three a.m.
Four minutes past eight Four minutes past eight a.m.
Four past eight Four past eight a.m.
Fifty-six minutes to nine Fifty-six minutes to nine a.m.
Eight four Eight four a.m.
Five minutes past eight Five minutes past eight a.m.
Five past eight Five past eight a.m.
Fifty-five minutes to nine Fifty-five minutes to nine a.m.
Eight five Eight five a.m.
Six minutes past eight Six minutes past eight a.m.
Six past eight Six past eight a.m.
Fifty-four minutes to nine Fifty-four minutes to nine a.m.
Eight six Eight six a.m.
Seven minutes past eight Seven minutes past eight a.m.
Seven past eight Seven past eight a.m.
Fifty-three minutes to nine Fifty-three minutes to nine a.m.
Eight seven Eight seven a.m.
Eight minutes past eight Eight minutes past eight a.m.
Eight past eight Eight past eight a.m.
Fifty-two minutes to nine Fifty-two minutes to nine a.m.
Eight eight Eight eight a.m.
Nine minutes past eight Nine minutes past eight a.m.
Nine past eight Nine past eight a.m.
Fifty-one minutes to nine Fifty-one minutes to nine a.m.
Eight nine Eight nine a.m.
Ten minutes past eight Ten minutes past eight a.m.
Ten past eight Ten past eight a.m.
Fifty minutes to nine Fifty minutes to nine a.m.
Eight ten Eight ten a.m.
Eleven minutes past eight Eleven minutes past eight a.m.
Eleven past eight Eleven past eight a.m.
Forty-nine minutes to nine Forty-nine minutes to nine a.m.
Eight eleven Eight eleven a.m.
Twelve minutes past eight Twelve minutes past eight a.m.
Twelve past eight Twelve past eight a.m.
Forty-eight minutes to nine Forty-eight minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twelve Eight twelve a.m.
Thirteen minutes past eight Thirteen minutes past eight a.m.
Thirteen past eight Thirteen past eight a.m.
Forty-seven minutes to nine Forty-seven minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirteen Eight thirteen a.m.
Fourteen minutes past eight Fourteen minutes past eight a.m.
Fourteen past eight Fourteen past eight a.m.
Forty-six minutes to nine Forty-six minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fourteen Eight fourteen a.m.

Veja também:

Horas em Inglês – a quarter past (e quinze minutos)

Se dividirmos as horas em 4 partes e considerarmos apenas uma dessas partes, teremos 1/4 de hora. E foi nesse raciocínio que os intelectuais da língua inglesa criaram a expressão “a quarter past” para expressar os 15 minutos após a hora exata em inglês (ex. 15 minutos passado das 8 horas).

Na tabela de horas em inglês abaixo podemos ver como fica o uso dessa expressão, além de outras também bastante usadas no dia a dia. Então vamos seguir adiante e aprender como falar as horas em inglês das 08:15 às 08:29.

Fifteen minutes past eight Fifteen minutes past eight a.m.
Fifteen past eight Fifteen past eight a.m.
Forty-five minutes to nine Forty-five minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fifteen Eight fifteen a.m.
A quarter past eight A quarter past eight a.m.
Sixteen minutes past eight Sixteen minutes past eight a.m.
Sixteen past eight Sixteen past eight a.m.
Forty-four minutes to nine Forty-four minutes to nine a.m.
Eight sixteen Eight sixteen a.m.
Seventeen minutes past eight Seventeen minutes past eight a.m.
Seventeen past eight Seventeen past eight a.m.
Forty-three minutes to nine Forty-three minutes to nine a.m.
Eight seventeen Eight seventeen a.m.
Eighteen minutes past eight Eighteen minutes past eight a.m.
Eighteen past eight Eighteen past eight a.m.
Forty-two minutes to nine Forty-two minutes to nine a.m.
Eight eighteen Eight eighteen a.m.
Nineteen minutes past eight Nineteen minutes past eight a.m.
Nineteen past eight Nineteen past eight a.m.
Forty-one minutes to nine Forty-one minutes to nine a.m.
Eight nineteen Eight nineteen a.m.
Twenty minutes past eight Twenty minutes past eight a.m.
Twenty past eight Twenty past eight a.m.
Forty minutes to nine Forty minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twenty Eight twenty a.m.
Twenty-one minutes past eight Twenty-one minutes past eight a.m.
Twenty-one past eight Twenty-one past eight a.m.
Thirty-nine minutes to nine Thirty-nine minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twenty-one Eight twenty-one a.m.
Twenty-two minutes past eight Twenty-two minutes past eight a.m.
Twenty-two past eight Twenty-two past eight a.m.
Thirty-eight minutes to nine Thirty-eight minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twenty-two Eight twenty-two a.m.
Twenty-three minutes past eight Twenty-three minutes past eight a.m.
Twenty-three past eight Twenty-three past eight a.m.
Thirty-seven minutes to nine Thirty-seven minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twenty-three Eight twenty-three a.m.
Twenty-four minutes past eight Twenty-four minutes past eight a.m.
Twenty-four past eight Twenty-four past eight a.m.
Thirty-six minutes to nine Thirty-six minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twenty-four Eight twenty-four a.m.
Twenty-five minutes past eight Twenty-five minutes past eight a.m.
Twenty-five past eight Twenty-five past eight a.m.
Thirty-five minutes to nine Thirty-five minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twenty-five Eight twenty-five a.m.
Twenty-six minutes past eight Twenty-six minutes past eight a.m.
Twenty-six past eight Twenty-six past eight a.m.
Thirty-four minutes to nine Thirty-four minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twenty-six Eight twenty-six a.m.
Twenty-seven minutes past eight Twenty-seven minutes past eight a.m.
Twenty-seven past eight Twenty-seven past eight a.m.
Thirty-three minutes to nine Thirty-three minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twenty-seven Eight twenty-seven a.m.
Twenty-eight minutes past eight Twenty-eight minutes past eight a.m.
Twenty-eight past eight Twenty-eight past eight a.m.
Thirty-two minutes to nine Thirty-two minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twenty-eight Eight twenty-eight a.m.
Twenty-nine minutes past eight Twenty-nine minutes past eight a.m.
Twenty-nine past eight Twenty-nine past eight a.m.
Thirty-one minutes to nine Thirty-one minutes to nine a.m.
Eight twenty-nine Eight twenty-nine a.m.

Horas em Inglês – half past (e meia)

Todos nós sabemos que os 30 minutos é a metade de 1 hora inteira, concorda? Bom… foi baseando nisso que os intelectuais do idioma inglês criaram a expressão “half past” (metade passado), ou seja, meia hora passado da hora em ponto.

Vamos dar uma olhada na tabela abaixo para ver como é usado essa expressão. E vamos aproveitar para ver também como falar as horas em inglês das 08:30 às 08:44.

Thirty minutes past eight Thirty minutes past eight a.m.
Thirty past eight Thirty past eight a.m.
Thirty minutes to nine Thirty minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirty Eight thirty a.m.
Half past eight Half past eight a.m.
Thirty-one minutes past eight Thirty-one minutes past eight a.m.
Thirty-one past eight Thirty-one past eight a.m.
Twenty-nine minutes to nine Twenty-nine minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirty-one Eight thirty-one a.m.
Thirty-two minutes past eight Thirty-two minutes past eight a.m.
Thirty-two past eight Thirty-two past eight a.m.
Twenty-eight minutes to nine Twenty-eight minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirty-two Eight thirty-two a.m.
Thirty-three minutes past eight Thirty-three minutes past eight a.m.
Thirty-three past eight Thirty-three past eight a.m.
Twenty-seven minutes to nine Twenty-seven minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirty-three Eight thirty-three a.m.
Thirty-four minutes past eight Thirty-four minutes past eight a.m.
Thirty-four past eight Thirty-four past eight a.m.
Twenty-six minutes to nine Twenty-six minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirty-four Eight thirty-four a.m.
Thirty-five minutes past eight Thirty-five minutes past eight a.m.
Thirty-five past eight Thirty-five past eight a.m.
Twenty-five minutes to nine Twenty-five minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirty-five Eight thirty-five a.m.
Thirty-six minutes past eight Thirty-six minutes past eight a.m.
Thirty-six past eight Thirty-six past eight a.m.
Twenty-four minutes to nine Twenty-four minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirty-six Eight thirty-six a.m.
Thirty-seven minutes past eight Thirty-seven minutes past eight a.m.
Thirty-seven past eight Thirty-seven past eight a.m.
Twenty-three minutes to nine Twenty-three minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirty-seven Eight thirty-seven a.m.
Thirty-eight minutes past eight Thirty-eight minutes past eight a.m.
Thirty-eight past eight Thirty-eight past eight a.m.
Twenty-two minutes to nine Twenty-two minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirty-eight Eight thirty-eight a.m.
Thirty-nine minutes past eight Thirty-nine minutes past eight a.m.
Thirty-nine past eight Thirty-nine past eight a.m.
Twenty-one minutes to nine Twenty-one minutes to nine a.m.
Eight thirty-nine Eight thirty-nine a.m.
Forty minutes past eight Forty minutes past eight a.m.
Forty past eight Forty past eight a.m.
Twenty minutes to nine Twenty minutes to nine a.m.
Eight forty Eight forty a.m.
Forty-one minutes past eight Forty-one minutes past eight a.m.
Forty-one past eight Forty-one past eight a.m.
Nineteen minutes to nine Nineteen minutes to nine a.m.
Eight forty-one Eight forty-one a.m.
Forty-two minutes past eight Forty-two minutes past eight a.m.
Forty-two past eight Forty-two past eight a.m.
Eighteen minutes to nine Eighteen minutes to nine a.m.
Eight forty-two Eight forty-two a.m.
Forty-three minutes past eight Forty-three minutes past eight a.m.
Forty-three past eight Forty-three past eight a.m.
Seventeen minutes to nine Seventeen minutes to nine a.m.
Eight forty-three Eight forty-three a.m.
Forty-four minutes past eight Forty-four minutes past eight a.m.
Forty-four past eight Forty-four past eight a.m.
Sixteen minutes to nine Sixteen minutes to nine a.m.
Eight forty-four Eight forty-four a.m.

Veja também:

Horas em Inglês – a quarter to (quinze para)

Acima nós aprendemos que os 15 minutos é 1/4 de uma hora inteira e por isso foi considerado para o uso da expressão “a quarter past”. E nesse mesmo raciocínio é levado em consideração para o uso da expressão “a quarter to” para expressar que falta 1/4 para a próxima hora, ou seja, quinze minutos para a próxima hora.

Vamos ver abaixo como é usado essa expressão. E depois vamos terminar nossa tabela aprendendo como falar as horas em inglês das 08:45 às 08:59.

Forty-five minutes past eight Forty-five minutes past eight a.m.
Forty-five past eight Forty-five past eight a.m.
Fifteen minutes to nine Fifteen minutes to nine a.m.
Eight forty-five Eight forty-five a.m.
A quarter to nine A quarter to nine a.m.
Forty-six minutes past eight Forty-six minutes past eight a.m.
Forty-six past eight Forty-six past eight a.m.
Fourteen minutes to nine Fourteen minutes to nine a.m.
Eight forty-six Eight forty-six a.m.
Forty-seven minutes past eight Forty-seven minutes past eight a.m.
Forty-seven past eight Forty-seven past eight a.m.
Thirteen minutes to nine Thirteen minutes to nine a.m.
Eight forty-seven Eight forty-seven a.m.
Forty-eight minutes past eight Forty-eight minutes past eight a.m.
Forty-eight past eight Forty-eight past eight a.m.
Twelve minutes to nine Twelve minutes to nine a.m.
Eight forty-eight Eight forty-eight a.m.
Forty-nine minutes past eight Forty-nine minutes past eight a.m.
Forty-nine past eight Forty-nine past eight a.m.
Eleven minutes to nine Eleven minutes to nine a.m.
Eight forty-nine Eight forty-nine a.m.
Fifty minutes past eight Fifty minutes past eight a.m.
Fifty past eight Fifty past eight a.m.
Ten minutes to nine Ten minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fifty Eight fifty a.m.
Fifty-one minutes past eight Fifty-one minutes past eight a.m.
Fifty-one past eight Fifty-one past eight a.m.
Nine minutes to nine Nine minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fifty-one Eight fifty-one a.m.
Fifty-two minutes past eight Fifty-two minutes past eight a.m.
Fifty-two past eight Fifty-two past eight a.m.
Eight minutes to nine Eight minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fifty-two Eight fifty-two a.m.
Fifty-three minutes past eight Fifty-three minutes past eight a.m.
Fifty-three past eight Fifty-three past eight a.m.
Seven minutes to nine Seven minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fifty-three Eight fifty-three a.m.
Fifty-four minutes past eight Fifty-four minutes past eight a.m.
Fifty-four past eight Fifty-four past eight a.m.
Six minutes to nine Six minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fifty-four Eight fifty-four a.m.
Fifty-five minutes past eight Fifty-five minutes past eight a.m.
Fifty-five past eight Fifty-five past eight a.m.
Five minutes to nine Five minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fifty-five Eight fifty-five a.m.
Fifty-six minutes past eight Fifty-six minutes past eight a.m.
Fifty-six past eight Fifty-six past eight a.m.
Four minutes to nine Four minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fifty-six Eight fifty-six a.m.
Fifty-seven minutes past eight Fifty-seven minutes past eight a.m.
Fifty-seven past eight Fifty-seven past eight a.m.
Three minutes to nine Three minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fifty-seven Eight fifty-seven a.m.
Fifty-eight minutes past eight Fifty-eight minutes past eight a.m.
Fifty-eight past eight Fifty-eight past eight a.m.
Two minutes to nine Two minutes to nine a.m.
Eight fifty-eight Eight fifty-eight a.m.
Fifty-nine minutes past eight Fifty-nine minutes past eight a.m.
Fifty-nine past eight Fifty-nine past eight a.m.
One minute to nine One minute to nine a.m.
Eight fifty-nine Eight fifty-nine a.m.

E aqui encerramos nossa tabela de horas em inglês para o período das 8 horas da manhã. Como você pôde ver, são várias formas de se falar as horas em inglês. Mas não fique apavorado em achar que nunca irá decorar todos esses nomes. Apenas estude periodicamente essa tabela para você captar a forma como é montada, e depois você verá que em todos os minutos em inglês existe uma padronização, mudando apenas os números em inglês.

Você conhece mais alguma forma de como falar as horas em inglês? Se sim, então contribua nos comentários abaixo com todos os estudantes dessa aula. Thanks.

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    • Hello Laura. Thank you! Ficamos felizes em saber que os nossos conteúdos estão te ajudando no aprendizado do inglês. Continue nos seguindo e vamos dominar o inglês fluente.


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